Popularity #2042
In the year Cosmic Era 0071, a wartime brawl between two mobile suits results in the destruction of a neutral country. Shinn Asuka finds his entire family killed as casualties of the violence, and swears his life toward a vengeful pursuit of the Earth's Natural forces, under the impression they were the ones responsible for his family's death. Shinn works his way up through the ZAFT military forces, eventually gaining access to the cockpit of the prototype Impulse mobile suit. Athrun Zala, a veteran of the recent war employed in the service of diplomat Cagalli Yula Athha, finds himself drawn into a new conflict between the Naturals and the Coordinators: human beings artificially enhanced before birth and hated by the Naturals for their biological advantages. As the new war rears its head and violence becomes inevitable, Athrun finds himself as a mentor to the bitter Shinn. Athrun must steer the young pilot towards a mindset of mercy before his rage and desire for vengeance consumes him. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Score: 7.17
Ranked #3520
Action, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi,Source
50Episodes Duration
24 min per epAired on
Oct 9, 2004 to Oct 1, 2005Status
Finished AiringMemebers
1126Characters & Voice Actors
Opening Themes
1: "Ignited" by T.M.Revolution (eps 1-13)
2: "Pride" by High and Mighty Color (eps 14-24)
3: "Bokutachi no Yukue (Our Whereabouts)" by Hitomi Takahashi (eps 25-37)
4: "vestige" by T.M.Revolution (HD Remaster eps 38-50)
4: "Wings Of Words" by Chemistry (eps 38-50)
Ending Themes
1: "Reason" by Nami Tamaki (eps 1-13)
2: "Life Goes On" by Mika Arisaka (eps 14-25)
2: "Result" by Nami Tamaki (HD Remaster eps 12-13)
3: "I Wanna Go To A Place..." by Rie Fu (eps 26-37)
3: "Shinkai no Kodoku" by Houko Kuwashima (HD Remaster ep 32)
4: "Enrai (Tooku ni Aru Akari)" by HIGH AND MIGHTY COLOR (HD Remaster ep 40)
4: "Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru (You are Similar to Me)" by See-Saw (eps 38-50)